Nose to Tail Movement, More Than Consumption

Nose to Tail Movement, More Than Consumption


Nose to tail eating is a growing movement among those who care about what they eat and demand that the animals they eat are raised humanely and naturally. It’s a return to sustainability. It’s a statement against waste. Nose to tail means eating the muscles, the organs and everything in between – or utilizing byproducts of the cow for other useful purposes. It is about honoring the whole animal. 


What we see in the supermarket isles has been shaped by industrialized farming and big agriculture factories. The beef found in large grocery store chains is typically derived from cows that were raised in feedlots being fattened up with grain. The quality of the meat is high in fat and low in protein. 

At Ten Mile West Cattle Company, our cows are grass fed and raised in a holistic environment utilizing regenerative grazing techniques. From birth to finish, our cattle are free to graze and thrive peacefully in our open pastures. Because we grass feed, the process takes a little longer to bring our beef to your table. However, when we do, you can expect a nutrient dense beef that’s full of flavorful tenderness, higher in Omega 3s, essential vitamins, and antioxidants.


Regenerative grazing is the agricultural practice of building soil health by managing livestock on perennial and annual forages, in a way that supports human and ecosystem health. Today we are dealing with a disrupted ecosystem, pollution and unimaginably unhumane treatment of farm animals. Regenerative farming can restore that disruption by establishing a better relationship with our food and how it is cultivated.

The key to regenerative agriculture is that it not only “does no harm” to the land but actually improves it, using technologies that regenerate and revitalize the soil and the environment. Regenerative agriculture leads to healthy soil, capable of producing high quality, nutrient dense food while simultaneously improving, rather than degrading land, and ultimately leading to productive farms and healthy communities and economies.


Grass fed bovines in regenerative pastures resulting in healthy consumption or use of the entire cow is the perfect trifecta for helping to reduce our carbon imprint by:

  • combating climate change through reduced emissions and drawing down and sequestering carbon
  • contributing to a clean environment by restoring natural habitats
  • providing access to locally produced, contaminant-free, nutrient-dense food

These are just a few of the MANY benefits of the holistic approach of nose to tail consumption of grass fed cows. Studies have indicated that the nose to tail movment could help reduce carbon levels by 2% and that is a statistic Ten Mile West Cattle Company is proud to contrbute toward.

More From 10 Mile West

From our farm to your table.

Nose to Tail Movement, More Than Consumption

NOSE TO TAIL MOVEMENT Nose to tail eating is a growing movement among those who care about what they eat and demand that the animals they eat are raised humanely and naturally. It’s a return to sustainability. It's a statement against waste. Nose to tail means eating...

Grazing Cattle Can Reduce Agriculture’s Carbon Footprint

Original Article | AgriLife Today, August 9 2021 Ruminant animals like cattle contribute to the maintenance of healthy soils and grasslands, and proper grazing management can reduce the industry’s carbon emissions and overall footprint, according to a Texas...

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Check Out This California Cowgirl

Check Out This California Cowgirl

Proudly Woman Owned

Meet Jessica Jean – a renaissance kind of gal! A jack of all trades. A diamond in the rough. Frankly there are not enough words to describe this fantastic lady. To be honest, she would more than likely refuse to categorize herself should you ever have the pleasure of asking.

Jessica is a worldy woman who has acquired a weath of knowedge through life’s lessons. A true cowgirl, when life deals her a blow, she pulls up her boostraps and rides off into the sunset and challenges of a new day. 

Challenge of Motherhood and Entrepreneurship

While some women may be distracted by the demands of being a mom to an infact, motherhood has only elevated Jesse’s drive. Her son is the force that motivates Jesse to carve out a legacy for his future and the futures of generations to follow.

Already a partner at AJD Builders of Santa Rosa, CA, and co-founder of 10 Mile West Cattle Company Jesse has high aspirations and dreams for expanding operations. She and her co-founding partner, Adam Diaz, are hoping to set up a 501(c)(3) working ranch for inner city youth to work and develop skills in agriculture and farming. Thir ultimate dream is to one day build out a resort and retreat for guests from all over the Unites States to experience life on a ranch, followed by a best in class dinner and relaxing massage.

Not Your Average Cowgirl

Jesse’s aspirations do not seem too far fetched for this can-do cowgirl. Jesse will suggest that her lack of a college degree might one day  limit her ability to develop the kind of business accumen to pull off such an ambitious portfolio.  However, the moment her son waltzes into the room – her face immediately transforms into a fierce and focussed momma that is not about to be stopped.

The underlying competitor that lies within Jesse from her roping days is very much alive inside Jesse as she matter of fact shares her deep seeded traditional family values and the importance of creating a work and living environment that reinforces them.

Healthy and Holistic Living

“I wish to restore the vitality of small towns, large families, and booming main streets. If I am able to create a healthy and sustainable world while offering quality products and services made here in the USA, then my goals have been achieved”.

Jesse favorite part of the day is wrapping up a busy day with a homecooked meal, made with ingredients from the farm. She loves discovering new recipes and sharing her passion for wholesome food.

Visit 10 Mile West website, be sure to bookmark the page, and bear witness as this Cattle company evolves into a sustainable mecca that promotes good health, well being, a sense of purpose, and top tier quality beef procurred from humanely treated bovines.

Grazing Cattle Can Reduce Agriculture’s Carbon Footprint

Grazing Cattle Can Reduce Agriculture’s Carbon Footprint

Original Article | AgriLife Today, August 9 2021

Ruminant animals like cattle contribute to the maintenance of healthy soils and grasslands, and proper grazing management can reduce the industry’s carbon emissions and overall footprint, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientist.

green grass in front of red cattle with a blue cloudy sky
Cattle grazing at the Texas A&M University O. D. Butler Jr. Animal Science Complex. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)

Richard Teague, Ph.D., professor emeritus in the Department Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management and senior scientist of the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon, said his research, “The role of ruminants in reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint in North America,” published in the Soil and Water Conservation Society’s Journal of Soil and Water Conservation presents sustainable solutions for grazing agriculture.

The published article, authored by Teague with co-authors who include Urs Kreuter, Ph.D., AgriLife Research socio-economist in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology, Bryan-College Station, was recognized at the society’s recent conference as a Soil and Water Conservation Society Research Paper for Impact and Quality.

Teague’s research showed appropriate grazing management practices in cattle production are among the solutions for concerns related to agriculture’s impact on the environment. His article serves as a call to action for the implementation of agricultural practices that can improve the resource base, environment, productivity and economic returns.

“We went to the society because it represents professionals who know soils, and to have it published and then recognized by them is huge and shows the validity of the work,” he said. “I am extremely proud of the work and my fellow contributors at Texas A&M and around the country. And I believe it to be a good example for how science can present solutions to serious issues related to agricultural production.”

Ruminants as part of the solution

To ensure long-term sustainability and ecological resilience of agricultural landscapes, he said cropping and grazing management protocols are needed that can regenerate soil systems and ecosystem functions previously lost by neglect and destructive management practices. Fortunately, many problems caused by some current cropping and grazing agriculture practices can be avoided by ecologically sensitive management of ruminants in mixed crop and grazing agroecosystems.  

Effective soil management measures provide the most significant possibilities for achieving sustainable use of agricultural land amid a changing and increasingly variable climate, Teague said. Regenerative agricultural practices restore soil health and ecosystem function to support ecologically healthy and resilient agroecosystems. These practices improve net profitability and enhance ecosystem and watershed function.

Reducing carbon footprint with ruminants, regeneration

Grassland ecosystems co-evolved with herbivores over many thousands of years as complex, dynamic ecosystems comprised of grasses, soil biota, grazers and predators, that deteriorate in the absence of periodic grazing, Teague said. His research suggests moving toward regenerative practices designed to improve soil biology and function.

Ruminant livestock are an important tool for achieving sustainable agriculture with appropriate grazing management, Teague said.

A key element is that grazing cattle on permanent perennial grasslands with appropriate management helps develop soil biology to improve soil carbon, rainfall infiltration and soil fertility. Thus, much more carbon dioxide equivalents are sequestered into the soil than are emitted by cattle in that management unit, Teague said. Such management increases the production of forages, allowing for more livestock to provide improved economic returns compared to conventional methods.

Permanent cover of forage plants is highly effective in reducing soil erosion and increasing soil infiltration, and ruminants consuming grazed forages under appropriate management results in considerably more carbon sequestration than emissions, Teague said.

Incorporating forages with ruminants to manage regeneration of ecological function in agro-ecosystems can elevate soil carbon, improve soil ecological function, and enhance biodiversity and wildlife habitat if incorporated within goal-oriented planning and monitoring protocols.

“In non-cropping and cropping areas, grazing ruminants in a manner that enhances soil health reduces the carbon footprint of agriculture much more than by reducing ruminant numbers and provides highly nutritious food that has sustained pastoral livelihoods and cultures for centuries,” he said.

Regenerative ag practices for future prosperity

Teague said research can harm public discourse related to sustainable agriculture more than help unless scientists take a much broader view of agriculture as it is and can be. This broad view includes the potential societal and economic ramifications of proposed changes but also warrants providing solutions that can be used in policy and ultimately in the evolution of more sustainable global food and fiber production. 

“The scientific investigations that call for the reduction or elimination of cattle and livestock agricultural production must consider the full impacts of the entire food production chain, and of different cropping and livestock alternatives,” Teague said.  

Collectively, conservation agriculture aimed at regenerating soil health and ecosystem function supports ecologically healthy and resilient agroecosystems, improves net profitability and enhances watershed function, Teague said.

“When we’re talking about science, we need to look at the full spectrum of what is happening, weigh the positives and negatives of our options and be honest about the outcomes,” he said. “Then, we seek the most sustainable solution.”

-30-MEDIA INQUIRIESLaura Muntean

Adam Russell903-834-6191adam.russell@ag.tamu.eduAdam Russell is a communication specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife. Adam is responsible for writing news releases and feature articles focused on Texas A&M AgriLife Extension programs and science-based information generated by Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists across the state. He also generates the weekly Texas Crop and Weather Report and handles public and media relations.

Ten Mile West Cattle Company Gets a Website

Ten Mile West Cattle Company Gets a Website

A BIG shout out to Invoke Solutions for a job well done!

When your website developer is able to help you come to understand your own brand and story – that speaks volume!

Our founder, Jesse Jean had a vision, but was not sure how to put it to paper, let alone get others to appreciate her goals for reviving the small towns of America while promoting healthy living. This was true until her first sit down with Nicole Tongue, owner of Invoke Solutions.

Two Great Minds Come Together

Immediately following their brainstorm session, Jesse was 100% convinced that Nicole fully understood the assignment. The inspirational messaging combined with the eye-catching visuals have resulted in an informatively entertaining Ten Mile West Cattle Company website that we are extremely proud to have represent our brand.

Nicole asked the hard-pressed questions to extract Jesse’s vision. From inquiring about Jesse’s motivation to embark on a male-dominated industry to what makes Ten Mile West Cattle Company unique, Nicole was able to compile enough information and understanding to share our story while establishing trust and authority in our brand.


You Get What You Ask For

Jesse’s vision includes promoting a sustainable and healthy lifestyle to be practiced for generations. As a new mom, Jesse is fully aware of the importance of instilling her wellness and self-sustaining habits into her son. This includes all aspects working and living sustainably on your own bit of land from the fruits of your labor.

Through her research and thoughtfully written content to her development of a blog to share healthy eating recipes – Nicole has generated a website that will grow and highlight our vision, products, and services for years to come.

We are extremely happy with the result and are extremely proud to share and introduce our website:

Ten Mile West Cattle Company.